Helpful Hints for Rallies and Marches

Tips to help you keep cool and organized:

1.  Freeze a small package of baby wipes the night before you go. When you take it out of the freezer, put it into a Ziploc bag to contain the worst of the condensation. You will have cool wipes at the hottest part of the day.

2.  Make up a batch of business cards with your name, email, phone number -- whatever you wish to disclose -- so you can hand them out to anyone you want to stay in touch with after the rallies and votes. Any cheap card stock will do, or you can go to Kinkos or Office Depot to have some made up quickly. Make plenty, because you'll be amazed at how many you give out.  These will come in handy in the months to come as we gather voter support.

3.  If you're making a long drive to Austin, don't wear your marching shoes while driving, or even while sitting as a passenger.  Wear something loose and comfy.  On the way back home, your feet will feel so much better when you can trade your hot marching shoes for the comfy ones.  I'm old and creaky, so I even bring along a pair of stretchy leggings and a clean pair of socks for the ride back.  It helps.  We want you to come back next time, so staying comfy is a must on the drive.

4.  While you're in the car sharing the ride, exchange names, phone numbers and email addresses.  And write down the car make, type, and license plate number.  I hope you won't need them in an emergency, but if you do... 

5.  Gel Heel Pads.  Get some.  If you need arch supports in your shoes, get them now.  Adding a little padding makes a huge difference in your comfort and your fatigue level.  A package of gel heel pads is about five bucks at a mass retailer.  You'll pay more for arch support insoles, but if you need them, you know that already, so do what makes you comfortable.

6.  Carabiner clips make it easy to have your hands free to shake hands, raise your hands, or just relax your arms.  You can get carabiner clips at any mass market store, Lowes, Home Depot, camping stores, or if you can't get there, take a couple of plain metal shower curtain hooks off your shower rod and clip them onto your purse, belt or backpack. 

7.  A thermal bottle is a great way to keep water cold.  You know how those water bottles got heated up at the rally?  They were cold when they were brought outside, but that didn't last long.  If you have a good thermal bottle (mine is used for coffee in the morning) then bring it along and fill it with water when the water's cold.  I'm not here to advertise a brand, but I will say that I have a big Thermos brand personal coffee bottle, and it will keep ice hard or coffee hot for 15 hours.  I don't leave home without it.  I have a neoprene sleeve over it, and that hooks over my belt or backpack when I don't use the carabiner clips (# 6).

8.  Individual snack packs of peanuts or almonds are easy to find at any checkout stand, and they offer a good amount of protein along with a dose of salt, good for those hot afternoons on the steps of the Capitol.  Remember, we sweat a lot in Texas, and we have to replace the salt we lose.  A package or two of peanuts is enough to get you through the afternoon with energy to roar.

9.  Bring sunscreen.  Spray sunblock is good for sharing.  Use it.  Offer it to anyone who looks pink and keep an eye on the children you see.  Offer Mom or Dad your sunblock if kiddo is looking a bit baked. 

more to come...

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